Sunday, September 1, 2013

Week 34: Thorns

Okkaline is yet again one of those word I fail to translate. It is anything with thorns or spikes. So I went with thorns. Before I go on I just have to say that I am very pleased with the little thorns on the text up there - Over is such a brilliant app. Will write more about it soon. App love for sure!

I have a little rose bush growing on my terrace, so there - easy. Especially as I spent the whole day in doing laundry and cleaning up and cooking (all veeeery time consuming, gosh, I have respect for house wives and maids). So, needed something fast and fun for shooting. Plus I feel like I haven't shared enough mobile phone photos lately. All of these were shot with iPhone 4S using macro lens by Photojojo and edited in phone with with VSCO Cam (which I love, read more here). 

I love those. I love it that you don't really need expensive gear to be creative and practice macro photography a bit. Outdated iPhone, cheap magnetic add-on lens and free software. And some slightly burnt roses. 

It has been a good Sunday and perfect transmission from summer to autumn. Early autumn is my absolute favorite time in Madrid. Have a good week y'all! xx 

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